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Innovative Technology by Scottsdale Construction Systems

Headquartered in New Zealand, Scottsdale Construction Systems is a leading company in software and hardware solutions for manufacturing Light Steel Frame structures.

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Allows the design of virtually any construction element, from walls, roofs, and coverings to floors, panels, and partitions.


Interprets architectural drawings, converting them into steel panels and assemblies ready to be manufactured by the roll-forming machine.


Provides complete visibility in the design process, with factory adjustments that cover most project variables.

Software e Hardware integrado em um só lugar.

Software and Hardware integrated in one place.

Suporte Global com clientes em mais de 80 países.

Global support with clients in over 80 countries.

Know How. Experts no desenvolvimento da tecnologia para Steel Frame Inteligente.

Know-How: Experts in developing Smart Steel Frame technology.

Experiência. 22 anos na indústria do Steel Frame.

Experience: 22 years in the Steel Frame industry.

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